This certainly isn't good news—Mark Goldberg of the American Prospect reports that the House leadership plans to ram CAFTA through the House late tonight, despite the fact that a majority of the chamber opposes to the treaty. That squares with what Reuters is reporting: "[House Majority Leader Tom] DeLay said Republicans would gavel the CAFTA vote to a close "when we get 218," the number of votes needed for approval."Of course, this wouldn't be the first time Tom DeLay and cronies have tried this tactic. Since I haven't discussed CAFTA much (I'm pretty sure this is the only post I've published about it), I did a bit of searching. Here's some of the better items I found on CAFTA's potential environmental impact:
- Global Exchange: Environmental Impacts of CAFTA
- Public Citizen: CAFTA and the Environment
- Sierra Club: The Faces of CAFTA
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Technorati tags: CAFTA, House of Representatives, sneaky bastards