Of the many great experiences that came out of last week's festivities in Chicago was getting to meet fellow Treehugger writer Leonora Oppenheim. If you haven't yet seen it, Leonora posted a photo of us from GreenFest at TH; I also put it up at GO:
Leonora and I will get to hang a bit more tonight -- she's in the Lou' as part of Kallari Association's visit. Kallari is a Fair Trade cocoa cooperative in Ecuador, and Leonora, as well as a number of students from Washington University, are involved with it. Tonight, Kallari's Director of Commerce Carlo Pozo will be speaking at the Missouri Botanical Garden (one of my favorite places on the planet, and not just because it's only two blocks away). The title of his talk is "Sustainable Farming & Building: A Modern Kichwa Tradition in the Making."
This all happens at 6:30 tonight in the Shoenberg Auditorium at the Garden. Come by, enjoy the talk, and, more than likely, the chocolate samples (it's really good stuff).
Categories: fairtrade, missouribotanicalgarden, event, stlouis, sustainability