Thursday, March 23, 2006
FIR Project Web Site Up and Running
As some of you may have discovered, we ran into some technical difficulties pretty quickly with the Forest Image Registry web site. Thanks to Andrew, George and Harlan's hard work (I really couldn't contribute much to the technical side), it's up and running and ready for your stories and photos. You cap find forests in your state with the mapping tool, contribute comments and submit pictures either by email or through your Flickr account. There's also a blog. Time is running short on the comment period for the proposed sale of federal forest lands to fund rural school projects -- Environmental Action has created an action alert on the issue, so email your representatives in Washington quickly. We're all for funding rural educational initiatives, but not at the expense of irreplaceable national treasures like our forests. Perhaps our representatives would do well to reconsider ill-advised tax cuts from the past few years...
Categories: nationalforests, politics, actionalert, activism