Sorry to miss you last night -- took my wife out for a romantic and leisurely Valentine's dinner. I'll be away from regular blogging tonight also -- attending a social function at work. Don't want to fall completely out of the loop, though, so here are a few interesting items.

Have a good day, and see you tomorrow.
Categories: film, Gore, globalwarming, climatechange, t-shirt, art, ecology, gardening, guerilla
- An Inconvenient Truth, a documentary on global warming starring Al Gore (and which received rave reviews at Sundance) will open in US theaters in May.
- Eco Street and WorldChanging have news on how you can get involved in "the biggest climate change project ever."

- The UK's better thinking is working on the perfect t-shirt.
- Paul at Eyeteeth has posted a number of links for art/ecology projects.
- Treehugger covers Guerilla Gardening.
Have a good day, and see you tomorrow.
Categories: film, Gore, globalwarming, climatechange, t-shirt, art, ecology, gardening, guerilla