- From Treehugger, a a brief story on Scott Hite's wind-powered pond aerator:
It is suitable for ponds up to 8 feet deep and is capable of 0.15 CFM. About his invention, Hite remarks: "It is a good aerator for small ponds of 1/4 acre or smaller. It is also an excellent aerator to be used in any pond to prevent winter fishkill. The aerator works very well and the wind speed for start-up is less than 5 mph."
- Also from Treehugger, the story of Tim Benneker, a Tacoma, WA, man who has installed a 1700-gallon cistern in his front yard:
He plans on using the water to flush his toilets, wash his clothes and irrigate his lawn. The tank cost $1900 and the excavation cost him $3000. This kind of installation may never pay for itself. However, Bennecker said he set out to be a “test bed” to encourage such systems in new homes.
- Finally, from baloghblog, Stephen Balogh sent me an essay on his response to James Howard Kunstler's The Long Emergency just over a week ago -- sorry for not getting this posted sooner, Stephen. Kunstler's book on peak oil has inspired Balogh to take stock of his own lifestyle:
So I have been thinking, what should I be doing about it? The first is to educate my friends and family about this short-term possibility, I guess. I figure those who I care about the most should have the information available. And, shit, I don’t want to be the only one worrying about this happening! I digress though… I came up with some ideas that we will be working on in our home, and figured that along with the bad news, I would share some of the “bright ideas” that I have. Most are not novel; most are not difficult or expensive. All are things that we can start thinking about now.
Technorati tags: sustainability, innovation, wind power, rainwater harvesting, peak oil
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