Monday, August 09, 2004

Smokey, we barely knew ya'....

Been away from the blog for a few days, mainly because trips to the veterinary emergency clinic kept me busy all weekend. Glad to report that my grandmother's cat Freddy (who's staying with us for a little while) is recovering nicely from a urinary tract problem. However (and this is where the weekend got strange), after taking Freddy to the emergency clinic and leaving him overnight, I came home to find a kitten badly injured in the road. Thought he was dead at first, and then thought that the injuries he had (I assumed he'd been hit by a car) would kill him quickly, but the spunky little guy fought through the initial shock and pain to make it back to the clinic...

Unfortunately, Smokey's (the name we gave him on the way to the hospital) recovery was far from complete, and after wishing and hoping and keeping him in top-notch vet. care for a few days, we finally had to have him put down -- the neurological damage he'd suffered was just too great. He fought the good fight, though, and managed to steal my heart in the 48 hours I knew him. So, here's to Smokey -- I'm sure his back legs are working just fine now and he's doing the things all kittens should be doing -- running, playing, and being adorable.

And a public (well, kind of...) expression of gratitude to the fine folks at the Kirkwood, MO Animal Emergency Clinic -- what a kind and professional group of vets. and staff. We're grateful for all you did!

OK, back to irregularly scheduled rants...