OK, this is late -- busy day at work, and Blogger/IE issues (I'll explain that in a minute). Tonight, we want to focus on global warming, as all of the naysayers seem to be coming out strong: the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Fox news... you know, the usual suspects. At the same time, many in the business community are attempting to address global warming, even going so far as asking Congress to impose regulation on greenhouse gases. What's the proper business response to global warming? What opportunities does it create for the private sector? How should green businesses specifically handle the issue? Join us at 8:30 CST/6:30 PST, and email me if you'd like an invitation. Come get your manbearpig on...
On Blogger/IE -- anyone know how to keep my sidebar from dropping down below the main column? I'd be eternally grateful for a solution -- tried a number of hacks from the Google Blogger Users group, but no success so far. My response is "Get a decent browser like Firefox," but there's that whole "85% of net surfers use IE" thing...
Categories: greenbusiness, chat, event, globalwarming, business