Apologies for missing you the last two nights! We've had a couple of busy (dare I say "hectic") days at GO, but things are coming along nicely in anticipation of our February 5th public launch. I may be a bit more erratic over the next two weeks, but rest assured: sustainablog remains a top priority!
We've seen plenty of evidence that the tech world has caught the green bug, and now the search engine optimization (SEO) folks are getting on board. Swedish-based web marketing company Getupdated has announced the creation of the SEO World Championship, and the first one started on Monday. The phrase for which web masters and SEO experts are optimizing in this first competition: "GlobalWarming Awareness2007." Contest creators hope to have fierce competition among webheads aiming for top spots on Google, Yahoo!, and MSN Live, and to generate awareness for climate change along the way. According to Getupdated's press release,
This unique SEO contest is targeting a significant cause as well as trying to make a global difference. The project focuses on creating world consciousness of our continuous planet heat rise. "The SEO World Championship selected this keyword with the purpose of creating worldwide awareness related to the issue of the Earth heat rise". Our contestants will write valuable content about what we can do to prevent Global Warming" said Luar Buso, Vice President for Getupdated Internet marketing.Search engine optimization is all about getting the word out via the web, so hopefully we'll see some valuable content created on the climate crisis. The contest runs through May 1st; I'm thinking about putting a link to the search on Google so we can keep track of both the horserace and the information presented. Now, if they could just offer greener prizes...
Crossposted at the Green Options Beta Blog
Categories: seo, competition, worldchampionship, globalwarming, climatechange, climatecrisis, sweden