We are aware that travel is not usually something that is considered 'environmentally friendly', but we try to encourage sustainable practices when we can. Discussions about the adverse effects of travel on the environment are pretty common (for an example, take a look at this discussion thread). In a lot of ways this project was chosen as a result of that increased understanding. Perhaps more importantly, members from our site who have visited developing countries are embracing this cause because they have a know how useful the project (and technology) can be.I was impressed by Eric's response because he didn't try to blow smoke -- they're in the process of "getting it," and that's a good thing. Judging from the photos on the website, the calendar is gorgeous -- the photos were chosen by a vote of Travellerspoint members. Travel is still a perplexing industry in terms of environmental impact (I'm still thinking about George Monbiot's criticism in his new book Heat: How to Stop the Planet From Burning), so I'm encouraged to see a company like Travellerspoint responding to these concerns.
As a company we ensure our own practices are as sustainable as possible. Can't really say that we are an 'environmental' company - we're just a regular company with a growing environmental conscience.
And, Brian... still plan to buy my offsets for last week's travel -- thanks for reminding me!
Categories: travel, travellerspoint, web, socialnetworking, calendar, greenwifi