Thanks to the folks at Conservation International for the "heads up" about their online chat with Dr. J. Matthew Sleeth on Wednesday, 11/8. Who's J. Matthew Sleeth? He's the author of Serve God, Save The Planet, and is also featured in the just-released film The Great Warming. Sleeth's work is concerned with addressing environmental issues from a perspective of faith -- given the currency of that topic, it ought to be a fascinating conversation.
The chat takes place at 2 pm EST on Wednesday. To join it, got to http://www.conservation.org/cilive. You may also submit questions early through the site.
I don't know if I'll be able to make it -- I'll tell you more about why soon. If you do participate, make sure to let us know what you thought...
Categories: chat, event, conservationinternational, sleeth, faith, environment, sustainability