I could've sworn I did a post on New York's Green Apple Guide (which appears to have changed names and focus) a couple of years ago, but Blogger's search tool doesn't go back that far. Anywho, I bring that up as a lead-in to another green directory/ guidebook/ savings source I received recently in the mail, the Blue Sky Guide. According to publisher the Celilo Group (which also publishes the Sustainable Industries Journal), the Blue Sky Guide is:
...a one-of-a-kind resource -- a coupon book, a directory, a source of ideas and inspiration. It's your guide to living well and having fun in the Twin Cities. With 300+ valuable discounts for organic food and dining, local arts and culture, green home and gardening, travel and recreation and more, Blue Sky Guide users save hundreds of dollars while exploring our community and supporting local, sustainable businesses.After thumbing through my copy, I see it's everything they claim: fifty pages of resources, tips and "Blue Sky stories" from readers, and 324 coupons from local businesses. The guide costs $20, and Celilo has a fundraising program for non-profits that would like to sell the guide. They also publish a similar guide, the Chinook Book, in Portland and Seattle.
This is a great resource -- after spending a little time in the directory publishing game, I know that these kinds of publications get a lot of use (and are an advertising bargain). Thanks to the folks at Blue Sky for passing one along...
Categories: directory, coupons, greenbusiness, blueskyguide, chinookbook, sustainableindustriesjournal, twincities, minneapolis, stpaul, minnesota