Monday, May 08, 2006

Join Us Tomorrow for a Green Business Hootenanny...

Tomorrow night, we're going to try something a little different at the Green Business Chat: a Green Business Hootenanny. While this is mainly my way of covering for the fact that I got around to trying to find a guest late, I thought we'd "open the mike," so to speak, to green business people who'd like to discuss their joys and frustrations with the group. We've had some great discussions so far, so if you haven't attended a Green Business Chat but have been thinking "I might want to join in," this will be a perfect opportunity to get your feet wet. We start off at 6:30 PST/8:30 CST and go until 8/10. If you haven't been before, drop me a note and I'll get you an invitation -- I know the bouncer...;-)

UPDATE: The Green Business Chat now has a sponsor: (yep, the same company that's been advertising here on sustainablog). Thank you, Randy, for supporting the weekly chat -- I think we'll see some great, even world changing, ideas coming out of it as it continues to grow. Please thank by dropping by the site, and maybe even making it your source of compact fluorescents light bulbs.

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