Monday, April 24, 2006

Dream of Moving to an Island?

Uh... yeah! Every second of every day! So this story at Springwise definitely got my attention:

Launched last week by two young British entrepreneurs, tribewanted is creating a global tribe that will develop a sustainable eco-community on an island in Fiji.

In what seems like a hippie dream crossed with an episode of Survivor, tribewanted is looking for 5000 people from around the world to become part of a tribe that will not only exist online, but will also settle, 100 at a time, on 'Adventure Island'. On the map, Adventure Island is known as Vorovoro, and is being leased to tribewanted by the local tribal chief. ...

Eco-friendliness is a keystone, and tribewanted has appointed a climate advisor to keep carbon accounts for the tribe’s island life and offset them to make the venture climate neutral. In an interview with Mookychick, founding 'chief' Mark James explains: " I think that there is a growing interest from a generation to do something about their lives, the lives of those around them and to have a positive impact on the environment as they are aware of how generations before have messed up. Adventure Island represents all the passions and cravings of that generation."

As national borders fade, online tribes take shape, populated by people seeking a sense of belonging, of being part of something new. As a social experiment, Tribewanted could be fascinating. And being an entrepreneurial venture, tribewanted will let the world watch: besides its three membership options, the company also offers subscriptions to Tribal TV. For a one-off payment of GBP 10 / USD 18, subscribers will be able to follow the tribe as it creates a new utopia. Or recreates the Lord of the Flies.

Sounds idyllic in many ways, though the whole "Tribal TV" thing does make it sound like a version of Survivor, and "Adventure Island" sounds like a ride at Disney World. Still, despite the glitz, this does look like a sincere attempt to live out some of the concepts many of us have read about in the Ishmael series and Beyond Civilization -- read the interview linked above to get a better picture of the chief's vision. I may have to talk my wife into the buying in at the "Nomad" level -- it would be fascinating to see this in action... not to mention getting away to Fiji for a week...

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