Sunday, April 09, 2006

Business and Climate Change News

Seems to be quite a week for this... Earlier in the week, I pointed to the op-ed by airport executive Mike Clasper arguing for carbon taxes in the UK. Something similar was going on in the US, according to a Grist story this week: companies ranging from GE to Duke Energy to Wal-Mart were arguing for a carbon cap-and-trade system in front of Congress. And at (via Sustainable Log), columnist Thomas Kostigan makes a strong case for green business practices, including on of my favorite points:
In many ways "going green" makes perfect economical sense. Carbon emissions come from energy. Save energy and -- here's what skeptics take issue with -- lower the amount of heat on the planet that can lead to global warming. How much you believe or participate is up to you.

But think about this: Americans spend about $1 billion a year on power for TVs, DVD players and computers when those appliances are turned off. That, according to one blog I read, is enough money to provide health insurance for half a million kids.

It's connections like these that people can't argue with -- whether they believe in global warming or not.
"Perfect economical sense" -- oh, yeah! The corporate world seems to be catching on...

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