And, while Dubya's out doing his treehugger schtick, GreenBiz reports that the Statue of Liberty will now be run on wind power:
ARLINGTON, Va., Feb. 21, 2006 - The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has contracted with Pepco Energy Services, a subsidiary of Pepco Holdings, Inc., to supply renewable power to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, both operated by the National Park Service.On one level, this is pretty cool. Yet, the timing seems mighty convenient. Especially in light of this news. Color me cynical...
The three-year contract calls for Pepco Energy Services to supply an estimated 27 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity generated from 100% renewable resources to the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island and the Ellis Island Immigration Museum on Ellis Island. Windmills will generate the energy.
Categories: statueofliberty, windpower, renewable, energy