Monday, February 27, 2006
The Squidoo OffsetMyLife Module
We'll have to start calling Shea "Mr. Squidoo," or "the Squidoomeister," or "Squidoo-a-delic"(sorry -- Austin Powers flashback)... First, he builds a Lens on Thursday that's #15 by Sunday.... and now this: "Rumor has it that a certain website might be coming out with a Squidoo module in the not too distant future!" That's right -- Shea's been in discussion with the techno wizards at Squidoo about creating a module that Lensmasters can include in their lenses to sell offsets. Needless to say, once they're available, you'll be able to find them at The Green Blogosphere (a mere #87 in the rankings) and Composting with Worms (and there will be a lens for green online marketing opportunities... guess what will be one of them...). Shea, you want to send a little of that mojo this way...? Or at least promise not to forget us little people...
In the bigger picture, it's great to see business like Squidoo recognizing the potential in selling offsets. We'll certainly be watching this very closely...
Categories: squidoo, module, offsets, offsetmylife, sheagunther, green, energy, sustainable