Saturday, February 25, 2006

GB #6: Vermont Looking to Do Global Trade Sustainably

Most discussions of fair trade and ethical products in the US generally focus on imports -- the state of Vermont is looking to change that, though. From the Vermont Guardian:
The notion of fair trade could eventually apply as much to exports from Vermont as it does today to imports, and the state’s green image could be a business asset when it comes to global commerce. That was the conclusion of a recent conference that examined global trade and its relation to socially, ecologically and economically sustainable regional development.

The Sustainable Regions and Global Trade conference, sponsored by the Greening of Industry Network, was held on Feb. 17 and 18 at the School for International Training in Brattleboro....

According to one top Canadian trade official, the “green branding” of Vermont products could play a significant role in enhancing the state’s position in the marketplace.

“Vermont stands a chance to winning the idea of what going green is all about,” said Chantal Line Carpentier, director of the Montreal-based Environment, Economy and Trade, North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation

That, in essence, is what the Vermont Global Trade Partnership is attempting to make a reality.

“Vermont is home to a vibrant ‘environmental sector’ including companies, institutions, and government agencies,” said panelist Kevin Dorn, secretary of the Agency of Commerce and Community Development. “The Green Valley initiative is our plan that will create a business climate in Vermont that will support existing environmental goods and services businesses through networking, education and marketing, and promotes the formation of new environmental goods and services (EGS) companies and the relocation of entrepreneurial EGS companies to the state.”

Vermont's often ahead of the curve on these kinds of developments -- I wonder if any other states are considering such "green branding." (That's a cue to discuss...)

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