Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Cleaning Up...

So, what does a college professor do when he's less than two weeks away from the first day of class and has syllabi to write and such? Well, this college professor cleans up his blogrolls, of course. Actually, this is one of those tasks that I've been meaning to get to all summer... you know how that goes...

So, I hope you like the new look and organization of the blogrolls on the sidebar. A few of you may be wondering "Where's my link? Doesn't Jeff love me anymore?" Of course I do, but in a few cases, it looks like some of you aren't publishing feeds... Dude! A site without a feed is, like, so 1998... In a few other cases, it's a matter of reconciling the original blogrolls with my Bloglines subscriptions. But, fear not, fellow sustainable bloggers and webheads -- I'll get you up there. If you notice your blog missing, let me know...

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