Saturday, June 04, 2005

Bill Clinton on His Environmental Legacy

Dave Roberts has posted running commentary on Bill Clinton's interview yesterday on NPR's Talk of the Nation: Science Friday. After eight years in office and almost 20 in the national public eye, this guy's still an enigma to me. My impression has been that his environmental record fell far short of what many of us expected (and I'll freely admit that my views are colored by Michael Moore's discussion of the issue in Stupid White Men), but clearly there was some progress. One commenter is quite uncharitable:
When I worked with Earth First! in the mid '80s, we fought Clinton over land issues when he was governor of Arkansas. This guy is no environmentalist. Jeffrey St. Clair (Courntepunch) also claims that Clinton caused massive logging to occur in the Pacific Northwest when he was president. Finally, I've read comparisons between Clinton's and Bush I's environmental records as president. In some cases each was better or worse, but they were about the same overall.
Love him or hate, Bill still brings out people's passions. What do you think?

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