Saturday, February 26, 2005

In Defense of Clear Skies...

MoJo Blog's Eric Kancler offers a defense of Dubya's "Clear Skies" initiative (which comes up for a Senate vote on March 3rd), noting:
While the Clear Skies Act can justifiably be criticized for not going far enough or acting fast enough..., its aim for near 70 percent reductions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and mercury emissions by 2018 is stricter than what can reasonably be expected from the Clean Air Act alone.

I think Kancler and author David Whitman are a little too quick to brush aside the Bush administration's clear history of pandering to corporate interests when it comes to the environment. The lack of CO2 regulations is a major oversight, as that's the emission that could cost us heavily down the road. I do appreciate the action on other pollutants, but let's not be too quick to take the scraps they throw us...