Wednesday, October 27, 2004

There is a Choice...

Congrats to Bob at Howling for successfully organizing this coordinated post from 11 different bloggers -- they lay out compelling arguments for the election of John Kerry. And, my apologies to Bob for not getting a more thorough submission in on time -- I'm claiming middle-of-the-semester fatigue and general professorial spaciness...

Remember, folks -- next Tuesday we have the opportunity to vote for a more sustainable direction for our country. As you've seen in my previous posts, I don't think John Kerry is the perfect candidate in regards to sustainability issues, but he is light years ahead of the competition in terms of knowledge, experience and meaningful action. I do really believe that this is the most important presidential election of my lifetime, in that we have two distinct visions of where our country needs to go and how we need to get there. Kerry's talking about energy independence and strong environmental protection; Dubya's babbling about "Healthy Forests" and "Clear Skies." From my perspective, there really isn't a choice. Help is on the way...