Thanks to Julian Dautremont-Smith and the folks at Energy Action for letting me know that today, October 19th, is Energy Independence Day. Young activists around the country will be holding demonstrations hoping to hold our presidential candidates' feet to the fire on "lay[ing] out a plan for a complete transition away from polluting energy sources." I'd love to hear about specific actions -- if you have news, pass it along and I'll post it. For now, here's Energy Action's press release:
Youth Voters Demand Plan For Independence from Dirty Energy
Over 200 Campuses Hold Events for Energy Independence Day
Tuesday, October 19th, 2004: Thousands of young voters across the United States will gather on Energy Independence Day, October 19, to call on the Presidential Candidates to lay out a plan for a complete transition away from polluting energy sources. Urging a transition away from fossil fuels, nuclear power, and incineration, their “Declaration of Independence from Dirty Energy” calls for a strong commitment to energy efficiency and clean technologies such as wind and solar. The Declaration is expected to gain over 50,000 signatures on this day.
Organized by Energy Action, students on over two hundred campuses across the United States and Canada will host rallies, gather signatures, and make phone calls to President Bush and Senator Kerry. "Young voters are making the connections between U.S. reliance on dirty energy and the issues we care about most, including war, job loss, and global warming," said Billy Parish, coordinator of Energy Action. “Our energy policy is dangerously misguided. A rapid shift to clean energy must be a priority in this election.”
Students and workers in Seattle are holding a rally for clean energy and good jobs. “Politicians take note: We are not apathetic. We are informed and we are mobilizing in massive numbers to the polls on November 2nd,” said Crystal Leaver of Envirocitizen. “Dependence on dirty energy is a critical issue for young voters because our generation will be the ones forced to clean up the mess from fossil fuels and nuclear energy.”
“The Declaration of Independence from Dirty Energy” will be used to encourage President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry to take stronger action to stop global warming. Two weeks after the election, youth will deliver the signatures to the Capitol and the White House.
Students in Pennsylvania are presenting “The Declaration of Independence from Dirty Energy” at the Liberty Bell dressed in Colonial costumes. Students and local leaders will hold a press conference outside Independence Hall at 3:00 p.m.
“In 1776, the Forefathers of America came together to declare independence from Britain. 218 years later, we need modern day politicians to show similar courage, and to lead our country away from its dangerous addiction to dirty energy,” says Kim Teplitzky, an organizer of the Philadelphia event.
“Our generation has grown up with constant promises that new technologies will replace oil, coal, and nuclear. We are tired of billions of tax dollars going toward research for out-dated technologies. Now is the time for bold leadership.” said Josh Lynch, Student Organizer for Greenpeace.
For a complete list of actions and information about Energy Action, see
For more information contact:
Billy Parish – (203) 887-7225 –
Josh Lynch – (415) 255-9221 x318 –
Robin Koch – (919) 602.3555 –
Over 200 Campuses Hold Events for Energy Independence Day
Tuesday, October 19th, 2004: Thousands of young voters across the United States will gather on Energy Independence Day, October 19, to call on the Presidential Candidates to lay out a plan for a complete transition away from polluting energy sources. Urging a transition away from fossil fuels, nuclear power, and incineration, their “Declaration of Independence from Dirty Energy” calls for a strong commitment to energy efficiency and clean technologies such as wind and solar. The Declaration is expected to gain over 50,000 signatures on this day.
Organized by Energy Action, students on over two hundred campuses across the United States and Canada will host rallies, gather signatures, and make phone calls to President Bush and Senator Kerry. "Young voters are making the connections between U.S. reliance on dirty energy and the issues we care about most, including war, job loss, and global warming," said Billy Parish, coordinator of Energy Action. “Our energy policy is dangerously misguided. A rapid shift to clean energy must be a priority in this election.”
Students and workers in Seattle are holding a rally for clean energy and good jobs. “Politicians take note: We are not apathetic. We are informed and we are mobilizing in massive numbers to the polls on November 2nd,” said Crystal Leaver of Envirocitizen. “Dependence on dirty energy is a critical issue for young voters because our generation will be the ones forced to clean up the mess from fossil fuels and nuclear energy.”
“The Declaration of Independence from Dirty Energy” will be used to encourage President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry to take stronger action to stop global warming. Two weeks after the election, youth will deliver the signatures to the Capitol and the White House.
Students in Pennsylvania are presenting “The Declaration of Independence from Dirty Energy” at the Liberty Bell dressed in Colonial costumes. Students and local leaders will hold a press conference outside Independence Hall at 3:00 p.m.
“In 1776, the Forefathers of America came together to declare independence from Britain. 218 years later, we need modern day politicians to show similar courage, and to lead our country away from its dangerous addiction to dirty energy,” says Kim Teplitzky, an organizer of the Philadelphia event.
“Our generation has grown up with constant promises that new technologies will replace oil, coal, and nuclear. We are tired of billions of tax dollars going toward research for out-dated technologies. Now is the time for bold leadership.” said Josh Lynch, Student Organizer for Greenpeace.
For a complete list of actions and information about Energy Action, see
For more information contact:
Billy Parish – (203) 887-7225 –
Josh Lynch – (415) 255-9221 x318 –
Robin Koch – (919) 602.3555 –